Friday, March 7, 2014

Why We Don't Have Flying Cars

According to Back to the Future Part II we are supposed to have flying cars one year from now. Being able to fly our cars through the air has been, for such a long time, one of the primary things that come to  our minds when we think about "the future". Just recently a flying car has been invented and is awaiting FAA approval. However, unlike a lot of people who can't wait for flying cars, I am here to argue why flying cars are such a terrible idea and why the FAA should stop them from becoming a reality.

One of the biggest problems that come to mind when it comes to flying cars is what would happen if said flying car ran out of gas/battery. Does anyone seriously want to run the risk of being crushed by a few thousand pounds of metal just because a car ran out of gas or the battery stopped working? If there was a way to teleport the car to a cornfield as far away from civilization as possible in that situation then it wouldn't be a problem, yet we have as much chance of being able to teleport in the next five years as we are to seeing a pig fly. Also, what if a couple of flying cars crash into each other? Unless there was a way of keeping the cars floating in the air in that circumstance, both of those cars would fall to the ground, potentially creating even more casualties.

Another thought that comes to mind is how flying cars would be regulated when it comes to airplanes. We can't have cars flying straight towards an airplane in flight, because that would cause an even greater catastrophe than the ones I mentioned above. It would be hard to regulate how high a flying car could go up since airplanes start their descent even before they land at the airport. Limiting how high a car can go up to just a few feet off the ground might be the safest way to regulate it, but that would take all the fun out of flying cars since the point of flying cars is being able to go as high in the sky whenever you want to.

Back to the Future Part II predicted that one year from now we would have TVs that could play 6 channels at a time, 3-D images that would jump at us right outside the movie theater, and of course, flying cars. But I am happy to have flying cars kept in TV and the movies and away from real life. Because the last thing I want is a car falling down on me. 

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